Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Be The Best

My favorite teacher in the world is a man named Mr Charlie Huff. He is absolutely a golden human being. It would take me a year to speak about his accomplishments, but his biggest, most pronounced accomplishment was his demeanor toward the people he came across in life. He is soft spoken, wise, witty, ornry, and compassionate. I learned more than just organic chemistry from this man. I learned about life and respect.

Anyway, on my graduation day from highschool, there are a lot of things I remember, but the one thing that stands out to me the most is the little gift that he and Mrs Huff gave to me. It was a printed out copy of a little poem, placed in this humble little plastic frame. The poem ..... Be The Best, by Douglas Malloch. Its stuck with me for all these years..... great meaning of life. Enjoy...


If you can't be a pine on the top of the hill
Be a scrub in the valley--but be
The best little scrub by the side of the rill;
Be a bush if you can't be a tree.

If you can't be a bush be a bit of the grass,
And some highway some happier make;
If you can't be a muskie then just be a bass--
But the liveliest bass in the lake!

We can't all be captains, we've got to be crew,
There's something for all of us here.
There's big work to do and there's lesser to do,
And the task we must do is the near.

If you can't be a highway then just be a trail,
If you can't be the sun be a star;
It isn't by size that you win or you fail--
Be the best of whatever you are!


Ray Kay Jay said...

Cool Kate, very cool. Organic chemistry huh? I slept through much of science, much to my regret. I lived for art, and art history but wish I paid more attention to science. Then again, none of my teachers were like Mr Huff