Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Hold Everything.....

Before I post about the trip .....

Joe thinks that M&Ms are flavored appropriately to their color. Now, maybe he's just messing with me, but we had the following conversation about 30 minutes ago.

Me: Ohhh Peanut M&Ms, baby. Thank you for getting these for me. I'm starving. This will hold us over until dinner.

Joe: I haven't had M&Ms in a long time. I can't wait to taste the flavors.

"Flavors?" I rolled my eyes. "Joe, come on..."

"What?" he says seriously.

"Joe! All M&Ms taste like one thing - CHOCOLATE. They don't have flavors other than chocolate." I exclaimed.

"Like hell...!" was his reply - his common reply when he wants to go to war with me - jokingly of course.

He pops a yellow candy in his mouth. "Mmmmm....the citrus flavor is exploding in my mouth. Kate, you really need to close your eyes and at least TRY to taste the flavor in each M&M. You have to throw the candy back to the back of your mouth and just close your eyes and taste it."

"Joe ... NO WAY."

"Come on. Just try."

TO appease him, I did. It was red, and it tasted.... like chocolate, and I made sure I told him so.

"Oh whatever, Kate. Come on. I can do it with my eyes closed. Here. My eyes are closed. Give me an M&M and I'll tell you the flavor."

I pulled out an orange candy, put it in his mouth, and he guessed. "Okay.......this one......is brown. Its chocolate."

"Orange, you ding dong."

"Ok try again. That wasn't fair. i couldn't throw it to the back of my mouth."

I pulled out another orange and put it in his mouth.

"That's chocolate too. You're trying to trick me."

"No, baby, that was orange again."

"What? I dont' believe you."

"Joe, this is ridiculous.....I can't believe I'm having this conversation. You do know I'm going to blog about this....."

"Whatever. I don't care what you think, Kate. They are flavored."


Ray Kay Jay said...

They bloody are Kate... Im with Joe on this one!!!! It may be my imagination,of course......

Anonymous said...

I have to say I am with Kate on this one!!

Erin said...

I love Joe! But you are right - they are all chocolate! Granted I do believe in the theory of eating only the brown ones cuz they must have less artificial coloring since chocolate is already brown!