Tuesday, February 05, 2008

No Laughing Matter

We just spent the last 30 minutes in a 3.5 x 5 laundry room closet with couch cushions and every pillow we own, bracing for a tornado. Thank God it went over us. Whew...

Here we are... keeping it light. It was warm in there. Well, it WAS almost 80 degrees today. I know.... you want to move to south. Come on - SAY IT!

Being from the midwest, I'm not stranger to tornado warning sirens. Once they started blaring, we hit the deck.


Erin said...

So glad to hear y'all are alright! P.S. that is the cutest family pic EVER!

Anonymous said...

The Lord was with us, tornados were everywhere.

Maria said...

I'm embarrassed to admit that until I had Liv, I used to ignore the sirens. Being from Nebraska...they rang a lot.

Now, of course, I have to be a fucking role model....so we immediately head for the basement.