Monday, January 28, 2008

Your girl can COOK!

This weekend consisted of some fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants cooking.

Do I cook? Hell to the no.

Did I try? YES MA'AM!

And how did I do? RIGHTEOUSLY, if I do say so myself. I don't normally toot my own horn, but this time, I gotta. I cooked more this weekend combined than I have in the last 5 years.

So what did you cook, Katie? Welll.........

I do have to admit I skipped right over PB&J stage to Rachel Ray level. LOOK OUT!!! I rounded up some taboulleh salad, along with some spinach triangular pies on Saturday night, and last night, I threw together a squash casserole.

My friend Anne taught me how to make the salad and the pies a couple of weeks ago, and so I decided, in order to keep my chops up, I better make them again so I don't forget. I didn't forget. ((Nice teaching job, Annie Bo Nannie!)) The squash casserole was a recipe that Anne sported me a couple of months ago. I was browsing through my recipes, feeling brave, and saw that I had all the makings for the casserole, and decided "What the heck? I'll give it a whirl!"

Joe actually called his mom and bragged about my cooking. Now, THAT'S an accomplishment! He devoured it last night, and the leftovers today. Even Joey at his plate full.

Can you believe it? Your girl can COOK! I have a hidden talent. :) haha!


Anonymous said...

Katie, you rock girl. I miss all of you.


Maria said...

I am so jealous. I can barely make a frozen pot pie. I would be paralyzed with terror at even attempting some of those recipes....