Wednesday, July 09, 2008


We had a pool visitor last week named Wally. Joey LOVED him, but we had to turn him loose.
Thank God. He was cute, but I'm not in to keeping reptiles in my house...yet. I'm sure in a few years I'm going to have to get over this - especially since we've already pulled Wally out of the pool, and just yesterday, we had 8 frogs in the pool. Joey is going to be bringing them inside, begging for an aquarium. I'm going to have to be ready......


Maria said...

We found one of those turtles in our street last November. Liv begged to bring him home for a pet, so I allowed it. Within a week, he had developed some sort of algae fungus thing that smelled awful and looked worse.

I took him to the zoo and they took him. I was so relieved....

Anonymous said...

I don't know what this is worth to you but I read in a magazine a few years ago that reptiles shed salmonella bacteria. I guess the way our bodies shed skin cells every day.
Anyway, the article said that very young children shouldn't have them in their homes since their immune systems are weaker than ours.
You know how illnesses hit the very young and the elderly the hardest?
It's the same principle.

I'm Kate... said...

Ang - I'm ready for a little Katie!!! :) hahaha!!!!

Maria - that's awful about the turtle fungus. YICK!! Glad the zoo accepted him.

Anon - that DOES mean something to me!!! I had no idea about that. THANK YOU for telling me! No reptiles in our place....!!

Beth said...

Wow. These are not the sorts of visitors I get at all! Neat!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl all my emails to you are coming back? Is there a new email address?

Daniel said...

Yo, sis, never mind Mr. Anonymous up there. Do you know that the typical human body has a fair amount of E.coli bacterium living on the surface of the skin? What is it doing there? Decomposing non-living matter. And the bacteria on the turtle is doing the same.

Any normal baby not living in a bubble will be able to handle any terrapin.

Too bad I'm not around...I'd kinda like to adopt him. :(


I'm Kate... said...

I haven't seen this little guy since we turned him loose. But we have seen our fair share of froggies and a snake or two. EEESH. i'll take turtles and frogs - but I hate snakes. I bet you, Dan, would LOVE to have this turtle as your buddy in South Korea! :)

Daniel said...

Aye, lassie, I wuld'ndeed.

I didn't tell you that I was so, so close to getting a pet baby rabbit or two.

However, my friends told me that they really stink up the house. And my studio apartment isn't big enough to dissipate smelly little bunny butts.

Also I realized that I'm not home enough to really care for them unfortunately. I'll have to wait until I get a family to get pets so that more than one can take responsibility.

However, I'm not really a dog kinda guy. They require too much direct attention/affection. I need something a little self-absorbed and distracted. Like a plant.