Tuesday, September 23, 2008

EHhhhhhhh I dunno about this....

I grew up with cats. I like them. At times, I've loved them. Some. But.....at my new place, even if they are outdoor - I now have a screened in porch that I want to keep as my sanctuary, but these little cute - ahem - terrors will tear it, and any other tangible screen, to shreds.

Joe found them yesterday at the warehouse and its been his dream lately to have cats around to deal with our living-out-in-the-country mouse and snake problem. But Joe does not believe me that cats are capable of tearing your screen world apart. He's asked everyone else's opinion, NOT listening to mine. HELLO, JOE, honey - you don't have to go any further than ME. I know the relationship. I've never not had cats. Take it from me......

Plus, these little girls are driving Happy and Rudy (the pups) to a whole new level of crazy. Rudy is foaming at the mouth to eat them, and Happy - well, Happy just wants whatever Rudy wants. Truth be told, he'd probably just kiss all over them and cuddle with them if he just had the chance. But not Rudy.... his history concludes that he was bred to catch cats.

If I have anything to do with this (which, you know what happens if Mama's not happy....) they will be chasing mice elsewhere. But they ARE so cute........


Daniel said...

Snakes and turtles and cats, oh my!

How far into the country are you guys?

These cats live outdoors? Or are you all rolled up in one house like a big torilla?

Welp, they'd be great for catching the micies and snakies. And birdies and bunnies. Do you live near a any field or forest?